Created in 2005 by Mr. and Mrs. Clapasson, the NON NOBIS organization works in Haute-Guinea for the protection of the Diwasi Park, an area with an exceptional flora and fauna.
They intervene in the fields of education, health, hygiene and the environment to improve the living conditions of local populations and to raise their awareness of the importance of preserving the richness of their own natural environment.
For several years now, Provendi has been working with them to promote access to education for young children. This year, we are pleased to sponsor Lanciné Kourouna and Doussou Kakoro, two deaf and mute children. To learn more about the NON NOBIS organization.
A young artist from the city of Saint Etienne, Nicolas Momein strives to transform industrial know-how into real works of art. By observing the gestures and techniques used in the shaping of domestic objects, he offers inanimate things a different look, the source of a new purpose.
The yellow rotative soap, an emblematic product by Laboratoire Provendi, has not escaped the study of this sculptor who has made the action of washing one’s hands an artistic process.
It was while going to one of his exhibitions that Mr. Thiry, the CEO of Provendi, was surprised to “rediscover” his soap. Since then, Nicolas Momein regularly comes to the laboratory’s production workshop for inspiration, and this is also where he has brought some of his ideas to life.
Depuis cette date, Laboratoire Provendi l’a soutenu pour différentes expositions : Topknots en 2017 à la Villa du Parc (Annemasse) et Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Lyon en 2019.
ZI Les Bracots
341 Rue du Grand Vire
74890 Bons-en-Chablais
– 2025